Sunday 7 August 2016

Lost Back button in Android ?

Back Button

Hello everybody, How is every one ?? Welcome to Tricksntroll blog

Soft-key of the back button. I work does not require root.

The Floating Button and the Navigation Bar are displayed.
The home button and the notification bar can be displayed. The displayed button can be selected.
The Button or Widget can move in long push.

In almost all situations, the system maintains a back stack of activities while the user navigates your application. This allows the system to properly navigate backward when the user presses the Back button. However, there are a few cases in which your app should manually specify the Back behavior in order to provide the best user experience.

Back Navigation Design
Before continuing with this document, you should understand the concepts and principles for Back navigation as described in the Navigation design guide.
Navigation patterns that require you to manually specify the Back behavior include:

When the user enters a deep-level activity directly from a notification, an app widget, or the navigation drawer.
Certain cases in which the user navigates between fragments.
When the user navigates web pages in a WebView.

How to implement proper Back navigation in these situations is described in the following sections.

- The Navigation Bar is not supported in Hard-Navigation Bar(Galaxy etc.) and Android4.4 or later.
- Don't react to the tap of a widget.
- Widget supports operation only a "Clock&Battery"

In order to use it, please turn ON "Back Button" service from "setting -> Accessibility Option."
Android4.4 without the navigation bars.

Be careful when using this mechanism with highly dynamic web pages that can grow a large history. Pages that generate an extensive history, such as those that make frequent changes to the document hash, may make it tedious for users to get out of your activity.

Does not try to collect the terminal data this app.
[Network communication] permission not required, this app is safe.

To Download BackButton ClickHere


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